Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Location Location Location

Here are some great locations around Cape Breton I've recently visited with my Biology class for winter field trips:

Dominion Beach - Collect shells along the shore and look for boring holes that may have been made by the coniverous Moon Snails.

Glace Bay Beach/Fish Plant/Glace Bay Park - This is a good location for practice using your bird guide. Keep an eye out for American Black Ducks, American Wigeon, Mallard Ducks, Bufflehead, Long-tailed Duck, cormorants, Northern Pintail, Great Black-backed Gulls, Double-crested Cormorant, Herring Gulls, and Iceland Gulls. In the park we also saw some Austrian Pine.

Louisbourg Light House Trail - You might see Long-tailed Ducks, guillemonts, scoters, Grey Seals, Bald Eagle, Common Eider, Bufflehead, Crowberry, Juniper, Rose Hips, and Balsam Fir.

Coxheath Mountain - Keep an eye & ear out for woodpeckers. At the top of the mountain at the cabin which is always open there is some bird seed. Use the seed to try and attract some Black Capped Chickadees to feed out of your hand. You can gain their attention by making a phish-phish sounds - much like you would to a attract a cat. Many of the trees on the way up are labelled. Note the difference in the type of forest as you approach the top of the mountain.

Lingan Wind Farm - You might see Cormorants, Bayberry, Crowberry, Snowshoe Hare tracks, Iceland Gull, White Birch, and White Spruce.

Northside East Bay Trail - Some plants seen here includes Eastern White Pine, White Spruce, Trembling Aspen, Heal-all, Yellow Birch, Balsam Fir, Amelanchier sp., Pin Cherry, White Ash, and White Birch.

Cape Breton University Trail - Look out for tracks in the snow - we found Red Squirrel and Snowshoe Hare near the opening of the trail and throughout. Wintergreen, Goldthread, and Labrador Tea are some plants that can be found here that might peak some "flavorful" interest.

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